Make money online Ideas

How to earn money on internet

How to earn money on internet
How to earn money on internet

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Work on internet and get money

I came across a guy who does nothing, but make huge huge money every month by his skills on computers, No he is not a computer engineer, he is a simple guy who just completed his graduation,but could not get a job so he did applied for some online work from home jobs and boom, after a year of his hard work now he is earning big money by just working for few hours on his laptop, he sit in garden and do work, and then roam with family and friends he purchased his own house and a latest model car that I was just dreaming to purchase.
He did all this earnings in one year.
he got the excellence in the work he did.
He explained me how my self too can make money.

First just like you I asked him.

Realy !!!
Can one earn big money from work from home online things?
Is it possible to make money from internet by working from home?
How you earn money on internet please explain me!!

So he explained and answered my questions.

Yes it is possible to earn money from home by internet.
It is true.
He showed me his payment cheques pictures.
And he also showed me his bank account statements for credits in his account for his earnings.
I was stunned to after looking at the bank statement and his bank balance, he is just 25 years old simple guy and he made so much huge money just by working on internet from home!!!

What i could not earn for last 10 years from my job he has earned double of the money.
So i again requested him with great respect, to explain how my self too can get some money like him from internet.

He explained me.
It is true that he earned money, but he had done lot of hard work to achieve this.
He has spent some money in initial phase of his work, but his brother supported him financially, he could borrow some money from him and purchase some thing or other with interest to know how to earn money working from home online, there was some times genuine products some times just fishing tactics he came across leading to some loss, but he kept on learning from things which were encouraging.

There are some companies out there in world which pay money for doing some tasks for them, those tasks are very critical and are required to be done by some internet savvy person, answering clients questions, on some products or services.

If you develop your website then you have great opportunity to make money by selling products, one of the online stores is
Then he gave me a website address where he told me that there is great information on how to earn money on internet by working from home.
I just visited the same website and here is that in above link.
I am happy to read that it has helped me to understand the concepts how one can earn money working from home online.

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