Make money online Ideas

How to earn money on internet

How to earn money on internet
How to earn money on internet

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Lottery that makes money for some people

Online money making Idea.

After listening to the guy about who i wrote in my previous post.
I thought of keeping all my things together on a place, just like a log, i thought of making a blog, writing blog on the experience gained from the guy who is making money from work from home online jobs and may schemes and from websites.

He is getting good money so much so that he has got his own car which is the latest model in town.

So first thing that he thought me to write about what ever we learn and share with people.
So that you will get more and more Ideas of money making.
Through discussions and guidance.
Hey its not lottery.
You need to do lot of work,

Well when a subject of lottery has emerged.
I have another story about lottery.
Two days before I came across a cab driver, who told me he drives cab for fun, but he makes real money from lottery.
He pics few nos of lottery tickets every day from different places while he is driving car, then next day or two he finds if he got a prize or not.
And in two to three instance he usually gets a price equal to the salary of a graduate working in a multinational company.
So again he keep half of money in bank and withdraw next tickets next day.
He don't spend from his pocket money,
He just buy a lottery ticket from the price money won from the lottery.

So he has purchased a piece of land and have purchased a Cab and so on.
Interesting!! ISENT IT.

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