Make money online Ideas

How to earn money on internet

How to earn money on internet
How to earn money on internet

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Where to get part time job opportunities

Where to get part time jobs which can be done from home on internet?
Thanks to some of the websites which provides online works part time job opportunities and manage payments to person completing the job, and ensure that the job opportunity provided by some one is fulfilled to his satisfaction.
In other words these websites are known as paradise of freelancers.
The person who does job from remote and ensure that it is done properly is called as freelancer.
There are great opportunities flowing through the websites, there are many people who want their jobs to get over, they don't want to hire a person permanently but they want him to do job so pay higher for the job assignments.

This is great thing.
I am too looking out to explore this money making method for my self, I will publish over this blog as and when I will complete a money transaction with this methodology.

One needs to search on net for part time job opportunities online, and you will find lot of freelance websites. I liked and have made my profile over there, there are many people out there ready to pay you when  you complete a job, the jobs available there can be completed remotely from your place on internet, and you get paid for completing assignments.

There are many people who make thousands of $ every month.

There is also a website we have provided link above  where you will get lot of information on various method by which one can make money online.

I learned from this website it is good resource, they also provided me a PDF guide where there is further lot of information on how to go about the project, I liked that too, i implemented and found its working great.

I have discussed so far the websites now there is other method by which one can get money online.
Advertising your self too is one of method by which you can get good money.
We will discuss this in next post.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Making money online as freelancer from known websites

We discussed in last post there are two ways of getting job as work at home assignments as freelance author.

1) Known websites
2) From making advertisement of yourself as freelance writer.

There are many companies which like to outsource their job of writing to more professional qualified person or to a person who knows better how to write an article, how to write on a particular subject.

These companies have to get this writings done in very short period, mostly in a weeks time, and there are some individuals who take up assignments for weeks time and complete them submit them to their client and get paid for the work they do.

The company out souring job of writing do not have to do much they have to pay freelance author and that's it. they get high quality content for their clients or for their websites.

Updating websites regularly with newer content too is a money making business, more frequent updation fresh the news or content more will be money earned by their websites.

There is a opportunity for freelance authors.
These companies pay about $1000 to $20000 depending up on task and such tasks can be completed in 15 to 20 days easily, many freelancers employ people to write for them they get work done get payments and pay salaries to their employees.

This is a industry.

You too can make huge money online, if you can spare one or tow days a week and write quality content you have great opportunity to earn huge money as freelance author.

You may or may not opt to disclose your name, you can do this as a part time job online.

Where to find good paying such online part time jobs?

There are two websites.

Register your self there and have some experience its good and worth to spend $10 to 20 for the tests they offer and pay their fees initially and you can earn huge money from the online jobs offered by their clients.

I too have signed up for and and will share with you my experience of making money online from part time online jobs available on online websites.

Monday, 26 October 2015

How to find work at home jobs for freelancer

Freelance authors have great liberty to do work from home and get paid for their work.
This is a great method by which one can make good earnings, probably very great money by freelance authors make.
I know one of my friend who makes $20000 a week.

But he do lot of hard work, his job is to write content for websites, which generate business for the website owners. I too have joined this type of work from home type of job.
I am also learning how to write articles online, how to get them edited proofreading and sale them. For getting a job as freelancer was very difficult earlier day, but now days it has become very easy. one can get job online from various websites.
I am going to disclose two methods by which you can find work from home article writing jobs for you which are really highly paying jobs.

You get such work at home jobs from websites.
You get such work from home jobs jobs from your advertisements.

Both types will be discussed in my next post.
Till then keep reading my blog.

I writ about my experience of making money online working from home.
I do lot of hard work, lot of experimentation, some have worked greatly for me and are paying me good money. I like to write about my this experience so that I keep track of my self, do self analysis and have fun, and you too get some information and can prove it useful for you.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Video online money making Idea

Video is very good medium for explaining any thing, or for watching a story or a film or documentary or an advertisement or an promotion of a product.
Video can connect people visually, it can have all the modes of communications.Visual, written, and audio visual. Hence it is very effective way of communication, and for branding of any product or to sale any product video advertising is very important.

There are many companies opting for advertising there product on online Video,
If you have any online video, you can opt to show advertisement over video, and make money from Video.
This is one of great methodology which works fantastic for some people who have authority on making film like video, What you need is to upload the video on YouTube and apply to google for showing advertisement on your video, and once it is done, you get money from google for showing advertisement on your video.

I meet a guy who has a YouTube channel which has got a huge number of subscribes, therefore he get huge money paid form his videos, It works very great for him.
Though he has not yet disclosed his earnings, One guy was making about $2000 a month.
Hope so much money is good amount for person lime me.
If you have any method for making money online, then please share it with us.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Tips on Email Marketing How to Build a Opt in Email List

Once up on a time Email Marketing was very useful for online business, but over the period of time many email marketers have misused, because of which now a genuine email marketer who do good practices too face difficulties, hence it is not liked by many. Still email marketing has great opportunity which when properly used can yield great results.

Time has changed, and so the online business as well have faced lot of ups and downs. I was a professional blogger and was happily writing and enjoying my profession and sudden updates from search engine have forced me to change my profession.

But the only thing that have not changed is my attitude to look at difficulties and take on the challenges.

And the email marketing tool.

Indeed, once up on a time it was a great medium for reaching out to people with a newsletter for promotion of your product and for sale, it use to yield good results, but some people have made email marketing difficult by spamming.

People do not respect unwanted emails from any one.

Therefore while doing email marketing one should follow with ethics.

Don't send emails to a person who has not opted or have not subscribed himself by giving his email id over your subscription form on your website, which must use human verification methods, like CAPTCHA.

If you have gathered email ids from opt in subscriptions and then sending an email marketing newsletter, you should include a unsubscribe link, in event if a person don't want to receive your emails he can opt to unsubscribe from your email list.

And then after this much precaution rest of people who are reading your email marketing emails, have patience in them and will turn in to perspective customers.

In such event in past many of my friends use to describe email marketing as Any Time Money Machine ATM, as and when they wanted to make money online they would write an email marketing newsletter or a sales letter and send it to their subscribers and subscribers could do purchase or do money transaction based on the promotion.

It worked nice, now days it has become bit difficult as only emails which are not spam and are written unique and have useful information and recipients keep on reading, are not moved from Inbox of email, and those which do not meet criteria are sent to spam box, even if a person don't read email, emails services are programed to remove marketing emails.

In order to overcome these problems I did an experiment, following all rules of email marketing, Then it was observed that I had a big challenge of building a list of people who have themselves subscribed to the website, and the number was not enough too.

I thought of advertising the website, and I started advertising it on Google AdWords, and after few months I could develop a huge list of subscribers who had subscribed to the website by searching on Google, and that to be by searching particular key words in which the website is interested to sale a product.

So the reader and email recipient's subject of interest is matching as he was searching same key word, through which he landed on the website, and now in email also the subject is same, so the likely ness of a person to read such emails is more.

If an email recipient keeps on reading your emails over the time, they are termed as important emails, and sent in to inbox of email recipient, and if recipient do not read it will be send in to spam folder of email.

In order to build a list of people or subscribers I spent lot of money on advertising, I found advertising on Google AdWords was the best, it has given good results, I have good experience about advertising on Google AdWords so it was good thing this time as well, could make money online by this methodology.

After making such an email list of people who have requested in past for sending you an email, is a great tool to market your product, and it turns out to be great resource, and one can do good business,

There are many email subscription management services, one of free is, which works with blogs only. There is a good email marketing service provider, which helps you to develop opt in subscription forms, weekly automated follow ups and provide beautiful templates for an email news letter.

I started once again after the Google's crack down on search engine and I could start the business once again.

Where there is will there is a way, but they methodology works only when it is applied ethically.

Friday, 2 October 2015

How to grow your business with online with email branding and online advertising

For any business branding is very important part of growing business, one should develop reputation of product in minds of people, the one way of doing is advertising.
Advertising is very costly affair, if you want to advertise your website then you can do it online.
Online advertising has a program called as google adwords, and it is the best.
Instead of going on social media sites I will like you to recommend because, it will be developing your business in real seance the way you wanted.

Advertising on Google Adwords:
I look at google adword advertising as opening a store in a very crowd y place you have all the people around who are interested in looking at your products and purchasing them.

Advertising on other social media sites why is not as good.
And advertising on other platform is to shout in the crowd, which is moving fast and faster they are not interested in looking at your product but may be few will look at your product but there is no surety that they will buy it.

If you are very rich, you have lot of money to spend, without any result, but you want your brand just to be known to people then opt to advertise on other social media sites.

Google sends a person to your website who is him self searching for product that is you are selling, or you want to brand, then such person will definitely opt for purchase or opt for sign up for your email subscription, and that's the win for you, you have big opportunity to make money online, when a visitor is opting to sign up for your website for receiving further updates from your website or for your products, he is going to be your perspective customer.

Read my next blog posts carefully because the method that I am explaining is very important in online branding.

That is email marketing.
Or email news letter sending.
What you will do if you don't have any subscribers?
How you will grow your subscriber list?
How to manage email subscribers ?
These are some important points in discussion.

Further more if you have a email list and even though, people don't read them then its of no use.

What to do for crating a very strong and effective very promising and profiting email subscribers list.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Adveritise your blog or website and make money

Advertising online is one of the best method to build a email list of people who are searching for your product or services online on google or yahoo or bing, then if you do advertising then your website that promote your product will get on top search result and if some one visits your site then there are chances that he or she will buy your services of product. My friend who told me how to earn money online, told me that it is very important for any online business to advertise it online.

Here advertiser make money by selling his product, while selling he is also getting email id of the purchaser in email opt in field.
Now such way he will be generating lists of people who has purchased product from him.
And again in monthly interval he may promote different types of product with the same interest.

At least 40 percent people in such email list do purchase again, and this way having list of people or emails list is work just as any time money making machine for an online business.

To have this work for you, you must have range of products which are very authentic, and after sale services, you must be able to replace a defective product and provide any repair or service at request of such customer.

A cost effective advertising partner too is important, he told me that has a advertising program which is very cost effective and best for any sort of online promotion, it is the best.

you advertise your site on google adwords you will definite get good results.

Make list of opt in subscribers by advertising your website on
And you will get a list of people who are looking for product like yours, you can later one write a sales letter to these subscribers and this way my friend is able to get online sale of his product.

He told that online advertising must for a website to make money.

How to Earn Big Money from email advertising and email ist

I came across one of my friend, he is a online business owner, he is  making money online from his different ideas for earning money online of which email list he said is just like a ATM or any time money machine for him, when ever he needs money he selects his list of people to whom a product he want to sell his product online and write a sales letter, and he gets a sale for his product.
How to earn money on internet
He make big money from the different types of email lists.
He told me how to make money with email list, having a list of email of people who are more likely to do purchase or take your services, will hopefully purchase your product or service when a second email is send to them as follow up email and you try to explain how good is your product.
My friend just do that in very short email addressed to such people, and his bank account starts flooding with money generated from sale of his product.

He has thought me how to develop such a list of people which will keep on funding or paying you life time.
This is very critical, many people spend lot of money, but by following my tricks you will get millions of peoples email list.
So prepare you list that makes money for you.
There is a very great method for generating such list which I will discuses in next post.